The Plan of the School Teaching of the Bible is so planned as not only to give the student a clear, concise understanding of the philosophy of the plan of salvation, history and doctrines of the Bible, but also to form a strong background for, and coordinating with the evangelistic sermons which are presented in public meetings. The public meetings are conducted to demonstrate to the student the sequence and logical order of topics. reaching the climax and binding the interest.
Opportunity is provided for personal work in homes. Students accompany trained Bible workers, health teachers, and other field workers, going two by two. They are given Bible readings, health talks, treatments, and in doing other lines of field evangelistic work.
Training Infomation Please download if you are interested in coming to the training in the Spring. The flyer has detailed information that you will need to plan your stay with us.
Training Application If you are interested in coming to the medical missionary training in the Spring, please download this application. You can either email it to us at [email protected]or mail it to the address that is on the top of the form.